
Easy Thanksgiving Craft to do with your Preschooler

Today I’m excited to share with you an easy Thanksgiving craft you can do with your preschooler (and younger siblings can attempt to join the fun and make a turkey with feathers glued in all the wrong places).

This craft involves no glitter, so it’s already a win!

What you need to make this easy Thanksgiving craft:

  • Kids craft scissors. (Make sure to snag some left handed scissors for the lefties if you don’t already have some!)
  • Glue sticks (we get these in bulk from Amazon here)
  • several colors construction paper
  • markers – make sure to use washable ones!
  • lots of patience (sold separately)

STEP ONE – Pour yourself your favorite beverage. Not one for the kids, they will just spill it. Gather up the color paper you’d like for the turkey’s body. It kind of looks like a male body part, which makes me giggle!

Step One: Draw the turkey’s body.

STEP 2: Draw feathers on different colors of paper then cut them out. Don’t feel like you have to be a Picasso or use a stencil, just wing it 😉 Give each child a few of each color, but be prepared for them to try and fight to the death over particular colors.

Step Two: Draw the feathers for the Turkey

STEP 3: Draw a face on the turkey. Our 3 year olds needed help but our 5 year old drew his own face for his turkey. Flip the turkey over and glue the feathers on the back. This is where the twins just glued feathers everywhere – but hey, they had a good time doing it.

STEP 4: Here’s the fun part! With your preschooler you can teach them what thankfulness is – what are the things that make your heart smile? Our 3 year olds just kept saying turkey and mommy, but our oldest understood the concept well and had some creative things to add to his thankful feathers.

Enjoy the finished product!

I hope you enjoyed this easy Thanksgiving craft! We don’t strive to be picture perfect in our house – just to enjoy the memories while homeschooling our 3 hobbits.

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Let me know in the comments below if you try this and how it turns out!

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Lauren is a quirky ginger who has embraced her weirdness. Together with her husband Justin, they wrangle their 3 toddler boys while living a life full of adventure in Costa Rica!

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